Academic word list
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These are the most frequent, general academic words that all university students should know. This table contains the top 570 academic words in use across various fields. This is actually a list for word groups, not just the words themselves. For example, for abstract, one should know related words such as abstraction, abstractly; for access, one should know accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible, etc. This list is from (where other word list files are also available, including a list of the 3000 top academic words in the 570 word groups).
- abandon
- abstract
- academy
- access
- adult
- advocate
- affect
- aggregate
- aid
- alternative
- amend
- analogy
- area
- aspect
- attitude
- attribute
- author
- authority
- benefit
- bias
- bond
- brief
- bulk
- capacity
- category
- challenge
- channel
- chapter
- chart
- chemical
- circumstance
- classic
- clause
- code
- collapse
- colleague
- comment
- commission
- commodity
- community
- complement
- complex
- component
- compound
- concept
- conduct
- conflict
- consent
- constant
- constrain
- construct
- consult
- contact
- contemporary
- context
- contract
- contrast
- controversy
- convert
- coordinate
- core
- couple
- credit
- criteria
- culture
- currency
- cycle
- data
- debate
- decade
- decline
- design
- device
- dimension
- display
- document
- domain
- draft
- drama
- duration
- dynamic
- economy
- edit
- element
- emphasis
- encounter
- energy
- entity
- environment
- equivalent
- error
- estate
- ethic
- exhibit
- expert
- exploit
- export
- extract
- factor
- feature
- fee
- file
- final
- finance
- focus
- format
- formula
- foundation
- framework
- function
- fund
- fundamental
- gender
- generation
- globe
- goal
- grade
- grant
- guarantee
- guideline
- hierarchy
- highlight
- hypothesis
- ideology
- image
- impact
- implement
- incentive
- incidence
- incline
- income
- index
- individual
- infrastructure
- initial
- initiate
- input
- insert
- insight
- instance
- institute
- integral
- integrity
- intelligence
- interval
- isolate
- issue
- item
- job
- journal
- label
- labor
- layer
- lecture
- legal
- levy
- liberal
- license
- link
- logic
- major
- manual
- margin
- mature
- mechanism
- media
- medium
- method
- military
- minimal
- minimum
- ministry
- minor
- mode
- monitor
- motive
- network
- norm
- notion
- objective
- odd
- offset
- option
- outcome
- output
- overlap
- panel
- paradigm
- paragraph
- parallel
- parameter
- partner
- passive
- percent
- period
- perspective
- phase
- phenomenon
- philosophy
- physical
- plus
- policy
- portion
- pose
- positive
- potential
- practitioner
- primary
- prime
- principal
- principle
- prior
- priority
- proceed
- process
- professional
- project
- proportion
- prospect
- protocol
- psychology
- publication
- publish
- purchase
- qualitative
- quote
- radical
- range
- ratio
- regime
- region
- register
- reject
- release
- reluctance
- research
- resolve
- resource
- reveal
- revenue
- reverse
- revolution
- role
- route
- scenario
- schedule
- scheme
- scope
- section
- sector
- secure
- sequence
- series
- sex
- shift
- significant
- site
- sole
- source
- specific
- sphere
- stable
- statistic
- status
- strategy
- stress
- structure
- style
- submit
- subordinate
- subsidy
- substitute
- successor
- sufficient
- sum
- summary
- supplement
- survey
- symbol
- tape
- target
- task
- team
- technique
- technology
- temporary
- tense
- terminate
- text
- theme
- theory
- thereby
- thesis
- topic
- trace
- tradition
- transfer
- transform
- transit
- transport
- trend
- trigger
- ultimate
- uniform
- vehicle
- version
- virtual
- vision
- visual
- volume
- welfare