KCI humanities journals

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KCI journals are those indexed by the Korean Citation Index (www.kci.go.kr), which represent the better academic journals published domestically in Korea. Most of these are published in Korean, but many of those with English titles may publish articles in Korean, English, or both, depending on the journal.

The following are KCI journals in various humanities fields, other than language related fields. For language related fields, see the KCI languages page. They following are drawn from journal lists on the KCI website. The academic societies or instutites that publish them are also listed, and occasionally they may also be indexed by international services like Scopus or SSCI.

The following table contains the following fields.

  1. Journal name in English, Korean, or other languages, when available
  2. URL for the publisher or organization, when available
  3. Academic field
  4. IF: KCI impact factor
  5. Inst.: Type of institution that publishes the journal: an academic society (ac. soc.), a university department or research center (uni.), or a general or other institute (gen.inst.)
  6. The ISSN numbers for the print and electronic editions, when available
  7. Language: The main language of publication. Please note that the information here (from the KCI website search reselts) may be incomplete. It is likely that journals related to English, for example, publish research articles in both languages, even if that is not indicated below. It is best to visit the publisher's website to find out.
  8. #/yr: The number of issues published per year; e.g., 2 times, 4 times, etc., per year.
  9. Indices: Some KCI journals may also be indexed in international indices, such as Scopus, A&HCI (Arts & Humanities), SSCI (Social Sciences), and SSI (Sciences).

For further information, please search the KCI website at http://www.kci.go.kr.

1 KCI general humanities journals

Journal name (En.) Journal name (Kr.) URL Field Status IF Inst. P-ISSN E-ISSN Lg. #/yr Indices
Dongak Art History 동악미술사학 [1] Arts Acc. 0.68 Ac.soc. 1598-1851 2508-4097 Kr
The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 미학예술학연구 [2] Arts Acc. 0.38 Ac.soc. 1229-0246 . Kr
Korea Society of Floral Art & Design 한국화예디자인학 연구 [3] Arts Acc. 0.38 Ac.soc. 1598-1223 . Kr
Art History Forum 美術史論壇 [4] Arts Acc. 0.31 Gen.inst. 1225-9519 . Kr
The Art History Journal 강좌미술사 [5] Arts Acc. 0.33 Ac.soc. 1226-6604 . Kr
Gogung Munhwa 고궁문화 [6] Arts Acc. 0.92 Ac.soc. 1976-6785 2671-633X Kr
The Journal of Art and Culture Studies 동서미술문화학회 미술문화연구 [7] Arts Acc. 0.54 Ac.soc. 2287-8289 . Kr
Dongyang Misulsahak(Journal of Asian Art History) 동양미술사학 [8] Arts Acc. 0.40 Ac.soc. 2287-4399 . Kr
The Eastern Art 동양예술 [9] Arts Acc. 0.14 Ac.soc. 1975-0927 . Kr
Journal of Culture, Art and Industry 문화예술산업연구 [10] Arts Cand. NA Uni. 1598-9194 . Kr
Journal of ART History 미술사연구 [11] Arts Acc. 0.51 Ac.soc. 1229-3326 . Kr
Art History and Visual Culture 미술사와 시각문화 [12] Arts Acc. 0.59 Ac.soc. 1599-7324 . Kr
Art History 미술사학 [13] Arts Acc. 0.98 Ac.soc. 1229-8433 . Kr
Korean Bulletin of Art History 미술사학보 [14] Arts Acc. 0.29 Ac.soc. 1598-1258 . Kr
Korean Journal of Art History 미술사학연구 [15] Arts Exc. 0.84 Ac.soc. 1225-2565 . Kr
The Journal of Art Theory & Practice 미술이론과 현장 [16] Arts Acc. 0.50 Ac.soc. 1738-1789 . Kr
Misuljaryo 미술자료 [17] Arts Acc. 1.38 Ac.soc. 0540-4568 . Kr
Bulkyomisulsahak 불교미술사학 [18] Arts Acc. 0.90 Ac.soc. 1738-0227 2713-7120 Kr
Journal of the Association of Western Art History 서양미술사학회 논문집 [19] Arts Acc. 0.33 Ac.soc. 1229-2095 2713-8313 Kr
The Study of Calligraphy 서예학연구 [20] Arts Acc. 0.16 Ac.soc. 1738-2823 2734-0066 Kr
Art Education Review 조형교육 [21] Arts Acc. 1.45 Ac.soc. 1225-4177 2508-8947 Kr
The Journal of the Korea Society of Art&Design 조형디자인연구 [22] Arts Acc. 0.25 Ac.soc. 1229-1412 . Kr
A Treatise on The Plastic Media 조형미디어학 [23] Arts Acc. 0.74 Ac.soc. 2671-6194 . Kr
Journal of Korean Modern & Contemporary Art History 한국근현대미술사학(구 한국근대미술사학) [24] Arts Acc. 0.28 Ac.soc. 1976-6467 . Kr
The Journal of the Korean Society of Ceramic Art 한국도자학연구 [25] Arts Acc. 0.11 Ac.soc. 1738-8473 . Kr
. 한국민화 [26] Arts Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2765-0758 2765-0758 Kr
Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies 한국색채학회논문집 [27] Arts Acc. 0.59 Ac.soc. 1226-6450 2733-872X Kr
Journal of History of Modern Art 현대미술사연구 [28] Arts Acc. 0.55 Ac.soc. 1598-7728 2733-9793 Kr
Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture [29] Confucian studies Acc. 0.04 Uni. 1598-267X 2734-1356 En
Gong Ja Hak 孔子學 [30] Confucian studies Acc. 0.31 Ac.soc. 1738-2629 2713-766X Kr
Journal of Tasan Studies 다산학 [31] Confucian studies Acc. 0.18 Gen.inst. 1598-8856 . Kr
The Study of Confucian Philosophy And Culture 유교사상문화연구 [32] Confucian studies Acc. 0.48 Ac.soc. 1226-7082 2765-5806 Kr
The T'oegye Hakbo (The Journal of T'oegye Studies) 퇴계학보 [33] Confucian studies Acc. 0.64 Gen.inst. 1225-4398 2713-8240 Kr
Cultural Studies 문화연구(Cultural Studies) [34] Culture Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2287-9285 . Kr
Global Cultural Contents 글로벌문화콘텐츠 [35] Culture Acc. 1.19 Ac.soc. 2005-6176 2765-5660 Kr
Namdo Munhwa Yongu 남도문화연구 [36] Culture Acc. 0.63 Uni. 1975-826X . Kr
Multi-cultural Society and Education Studies 다문화사회와 교육연구 [37] Culture Acc. 0.71 Uni. 2586-6206 2713-7155 Kr
The Journal of Culture Contents 문화콘텐츠연구 [38] Culture Acc. 1.44 Uni. 2287-2256 . Kr
Comparative Korean Studies 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies [39] Culture Acc. 0.50 Ac.soc. 1226-2250 . Kr
PREVIEW : The Korean Journal of Digital Moving Image PREVIEW : 디지털영상학술지 [40] Film Acc. 0.82 Ac.soc. 1738-5539 . Kr
Journal of Arts and Imaging Science TechArt [41] Film Cand. NA Uni. 2288-9248 . En
Cineforum 씨네포럼 [42] Film Acc. 0.81 Uni. 2093-9965 2733-4368 Kr
Asian Cinema Studies 아시아영화연구 [43] Film Acc. 0.52 Uni. 2005-5641 . Kr
The Korean Journal of animation 애니메이션연구 [44] Film Acc. 1.04 Ac.soc. 1738-8627 . Kr
Film Studies 영화연구 [45] Film Acc. 0.68 Ac.soc. 1598-9682 . Kr
Contemporary Film Studies 현대영화연구 [46] Film Acc. 0.96 Uni. 1975-5082 2733-9165 Kr
Korean Journal of Dance 한국무용학회지 [47] General arts Acc. 1.16 Ac.soc. 1975-4477 2765-5172 Kr
The Research of Performance Art and Culture 공연문화연구 [48] General arts Acc. 0.60 Ac.soc. 1598-981X 2799-4902 Kr
. 국악교육연구 [49] General arts Acc. 0.62 Ac.soc. 1976-3522 2713-8119 Kr
Journal of Culture & Arts 국제문화예술 [50] General arts Cand. 0.57 Ac.soc. 2733-6654 2765-6985 Kr
Journal of Basic Design & Art 기초조형학연구 [51] General arts Acc. 0.52 Ac.soc. 1598-8635 2713-5993 Kr
Cartoon & Animation Studies 만화애니메이션연구 [52] General arts Acc. 0.77 Ac.soc. 1738-009X . Kr
. 모드니예술 [53] General arts Cand. 0.38 Ac.soc. 2005-0712 . Kr
Baroque Studies 바로크연구 [54] General arts Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2636-0896 . Kr
The Journal of Image and Cultural Contents 영상문화콘텐츠연구 [55] General arts Acc. 0.90 Uni. 2005-4424 . Kr
Journal of Art & Design Research 예술· 디자인학연구 [56] General arts Cand. NA Uni. 2465-7905 . Kr
The Korean Journal of Art and Media 예술과 미디어 [57] General arts Acc. 0.70 Ac.soc. 2005-5587 2672-1821 Kr
Korean Journal of Arts Education 예술교육연구 [58] General arts Acc. 1.55 Ac.soc. 1738-8309 . Kr
Journal of Gifted Education in Arts 예술영재교육 [59] General arts Cand. NA Uni. 2671-6305 . Kr
The Korean Journal of Model Contents 한국모델콘텐츠학회지 [60] General arts Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2733-6166 2733-6212 Kr
Journal of Korean Society of Media and Arts 한국영상학회논문집 [61] General arts Acc. 0.44 Ac.soc. 2092-8157 . Kr
The Korean Journal of Arts Studies 한국예술연구 [62] General arts Acc. 0.91 Uni. 2093-6494 2635-8034 Kr
Journal of Contemporary Art Studies 현대미술학 논문집 [63] General arts Acc. 0.17 Ac.soc. 1738-8295 . Kr
International Journal of Intangible Heritage International Journal of Intangible Heritage [64] History Acc. 0.05 Ac.soc. 1975-3586 1975-4019 En Scopus, A&HCI
. 古文書硏究 [65] History Acc. 0.82 Ac.soc. 1598-3218 2671-8081 Kr
Sa-Chong (Sa) 史叢(사총) [66] History Acc. 1.13 Uni. 1229-4446 2671-583X Kr
Kangwon Sahak 江原史學 [67] History Acc. 0.59 Ac.soc. 1226-3060 2713-8410 Kr
Jangseogak 藏書閣 [68] History Acc. 0.82 Uni. 1229-7755 2733-9300 Kr
Concept And Communication 개념과 소통 [69] History Acc. 1.16 Uni. 2005-1492 2733-8746 Kr
. 고고광장 [70] History Acc. 0.93 Ac.soc. 2005-0968 . Kr
Archaeology: Journal of the Jungbu Archaeological Society 고고학 [71] History Acc. 0.61 Ac.soc. 1598-9852 . Kr
Military History 군사 [72] History Acc. 0.87 Ac.soc. 1598-317X 2713-8992 Kr
Journal of Military History Studies 군사연구 [73] History Acc. 0.58 Gen.inst. 2093-1557 . Kr
. 남도민속연구 [74] History Acc. 0.51 Ac.soc. 1975-4728 . Kr
Korean Journal of German Studies - History, Society, Culture 독일연구 - 역사·사회·문화 [75] History Acc. 0.37 Ac.soc. 1598-4184 . Kr
The Dongguk Historical Society 동국사학 [76] History Acc. 1.03 Uni. 1225-0376 . Kr
Journal of Asian Historical Studies 동양사학연구 [77] History Exc. 1.86 Ac.soc. 1226-1270 2173-8259 Kr
Journal of Cultural Relics 문물연구 [78] History Acc. 0.42 Gen.inst. 1975-6852 . Kr
Munhwasahak 문화사학 [79] History Acc. 0.37 Ac.soc. 1598-0774 . Kr
Mun Hwa Jae - Annual Review In Cultural Heritage Studies 문화재 [80] History Acc. 0.65 Gen.inst. 1226-0800 2713-752X Kr
The Korean Journal of American History 미국사연구 [81] History Acc. 0.73 Ac.soc. 1229-0238 . Kr
Asian Comparative Folklore 비교민속학 [82] History Acc. 0.85 Ac.soc. 1598-1010 2714-030X Kr
SARIM, The Historical Journal 사림 [83] History Acc. 1.06 Ac.soc. 1229-9545 2733-4082 Kr
The Review of Korean History 사학연구 [84] History Acc. 1.23 Ac.soc. 1225-133X . Kr
Journal of Ecological and Environmental History 생태환경과 역사 [85] History Cand. 1.50 Ac.soc. 2466-0310 . Kr
The Journal of Classical Studies 서양고대사연구 [86] History Acc. 0.36 Ac.soc. 1229-4837 . Kr
The Western History Review 서양사론 [87] History Exc. 0.48 Ac.soc. 1229-0289 . Kr
The Journal of Western History 서양사연구 [88] History Acc. 0.08 Ac.soc. 1738-7027 2733-953X Kr
Journal of Western Medieval History 서양중세사연구 [89] History Acc. 0.42 Ac.soc. 1229-4454 . Kr
Prehistory and Ancient History 선사와 고대 [90] History Acc. 1.09 Ac.soc. 1229-0432 . Kr
World History and Culture 세계 역사와 문화 연구 [91] History Acc. 0.39 Ac.soc. 1598-2823 . Kr
The Historical Association for Soong-Sil 숭실사학 [92] History Acc. 1.10 Ac.soc. 2005-9701 . Kr
. 신라문화 [93] History Acc. 1.32 Uni. 1229-0939 2714-0628 Kr
Sillasahakpo 신라사학보 [94] History Acc. 1.11 Ac.soc. 1738-2742 2799-4724 Kr
. 실천민속학 연구 [95] History Acc. 0.57 Ac.soc. 1975-5740 . Kr
Women and History 여성과 역사 [96] History Acc. 0.86 Ac.soc. 1738-6691 2672-0469 Kr
History Education Review 역사교육논집 [97] History Acc. 0.87 Ac.soc. 1225-0775 . Kr
Studies on History Education 역사교육연구 [98] History Acc. 0.98 Ac.soc. 1738-7639 . Kr
. 역사문화연구 [99] History Acc. 1.13 Uni. 1598-6454 2733-4201 Kr
Critical Review of History 역사비평 [100] History Acc. 1.15 Gen.inst. 1227-3627 . Kr
Yeoksa Yeongu, The Journal of History 역사연구 [101] History Acc. 1.50 Ac.soc. 1229-1714 2765-6152 Kr
History And Discourse (Journal of Historycal Review) 역사와 담론 [102] History Acc. 0.81 Ac.soc. 1226-8089 . Kr
History & the World 역사와 세계 [103] History Acc. 0.71 Ac.soc. 2005-0143 . Kr
The Yeoksa And Silhak 역사와 실학 [104] History Acc. 0.84 Ac.soc. 1976-1023 . Kr
Yŏksa Wa Hyŏnsil 역사와 현실 [105] History Acc. 1.14 Ac.soc. 1225-6919 . Kr
History & the Boundaries 역사와경계 [106] History Acc. 0.85 Ac.soc. 1598-625X . Kr
The History Education Review 역사와교육 [107] History Acc. 1.23 Ac.soc. 2093-5021 . Kr
Yoksa Hakbo 역사학보 [108] History Exc. 1.23 Ac.soc. 1225-1615 . Kr
The Korean Journal of History 역사학연구 [109] History Acc. 0.81 Ac.soc. 1975-2431 . Kr
Yonsei Journal of Medical History 연세의사학 [110] History Acc. 1.06 Uni. 1226-847X 2713-9093 Kr
The Korean Journal of British Studies 영국연구 [111] History Acc. 0.28 Ac.soc. 1226-8135 2713-6329 Kr
Yongnam Archaeological Review Yongnam Kogohak 영남고고학 [112] History Acc. 0.90 Ac.soc. 1226-4547 . Kr
Territory and Seas 영토해양연구 [113] History Acc. 1.29 Gen.inst. 2234-3296 2713-9298 Kr
Ewha Sahak Yeongu 이화사학연구 [114] History Acc. 0.95 Uni. 1229-4683 . Kr
Journal of Japanese History 일본역사연구 [115] History Acc. 1.27 Ac.soc. 1229-5264 2713-8550 Kr
Jeonbuk Sahak 전북사학 [116] History Acc. 0.84 Ac.soc. 1229-2001 . Kr
Historical Studies of Ancient and Medieval China 중국고중세사연구 [117] History Acc. 1.58 Ac.soc. 2765-7108 . Kr
Chungguksa Yongu; The Journal of Chinese Historical Rsearches 중국사연구 [118] History Acc. 1.37 Ac.soc. 1226-4571 . Kr
Journal of Central Institute of Cultural Heritage 중앙고고연구 [119] History Acc. 0.89 Ac.soc. 2233-6230 2713-8054 Kr
. 중앙사론 [120] History Acc. 1.11 Uni. 1229-3652 . Kr
Central Asian Studies 중앙아시아연구 [121] History Acc. 1.06 Ac.soc. 1738-0200 . Kr
Journal of Jungwon Munhwa 중원문화연구 [122] History Cand. NA Uni. 1226-7422 . Kr
Journal of Local History and Culture 지방사와 지방문화 [123] History Acc. 0.74 Ac.soc. 1229-9286 . Kr
Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa 지역과 역사 [124] History Acc. 0.93 Gen.inst. 1229-6600 2733-4732 Kr
The Chin-Tan Society 진단학보 [125] History Acc. 1.09 Ac.soc. 1013-4719 . Kr
Chungramsahak 청람사학 [126] History Cand. NA Ac.soc. 1226-8259 2765-0278 Kr
. 충청학과 충청문화 [127] History Cand. NA Gen.inst. 1738-9348 2765-2866 Kr
Korean Review of French History 프랑스사 연구 [128] History Acc. 0.10 Ac.soc. 1229-702X . Kr
. 한국민속학 [129] History Acc. 0.63 Ac.soc. 1229-6953 . Kr
. 해양문화재 [130] History Acc. 0.63 Gen.inst. 2287-7770 . Kr
The Journal of Korean History & Convergence 역사와 융합 [131] History – Kr. Cand. 0.38 Ac.soc. 2586-2774 2765-5989 Kr
Cheonggyeo History 청계사학 [132] History – Kr. Cand. NA Ac.soc. 1598-494X . Kr
International Journal of Korean History International Journal of Korean History [133] History – Kr. Acc. 0.29 Uni. 1598-2041 2508-5921 En Scopus
The Korean Journal of History of Historiography 韓國史學史學報 [134] History – Kr. Acc. 0.64 Ac.soc. 1229-7488 . Kr
The Journal for the Studies of Korean History 韓國史學報 [135] History – Kr. Acc. 1.40 Ac.soc. 1229-6252 2713-7945 Kr
The KoguryoBalhae Yonku 고구려발해연구 [136] History – Kr. Acc. 0.84 Ac.soc. 1226-1394 . Kr
Komunhwa (Korea Antiquity) 고문화 [137] History – Kr. Acc. 0.35 Ac.soc. 1229-5302 . Kr
The Journal of Gojoseon & Dangun Studies 고조선단군학 [138] History – Kr. Acc. 1.53 Ac.soc. 2765-6462 . Kr
Korean Journal of Oral History 구술사연구 [139] History – Kr. Acc. 1.33 Ac.soc. 2233-8349 . Kr
Daegusahak 대구사학 [140] History – Kr. Acc. 0.87 Ac.soc. 1225-9039 . Kr
Korean Journal of Urban History 도시연구: 역사·사회·문화 [141] History – Kr. Acc. 1.52 Ac.soc. 2092-5182 . Kr
The Journal of Dokdo 독도연구 [142] History – Kr. Acc. 0.55 Uni. 1975-390X . Kr
Dongbuga Yeoksa Nonchong 동북아역사논총 [143] History – Kr. Acc. 1.10 Gen.inst. 1975-7840 2713-928x Kr
The Korea Journal of Donghak Studies 동학학보 [144] History – Kr. Acc. 0.58 Ac.soc. 1598-7566 2713-3505 Kr
Mahan Baekje Munhwa The Journal of Mahan-Baekje Culture Research Institute 마한백제문화 [145] History – Kr. Acc. 0.92 Uni. 1225-4215 . Kr
Journal of Ming-Qing Historical Studies 명청사연구 [146] History – Kr. Acc. 2.07 Ac.soc. 1598-2017 2733-9734 Kr
Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage 무형유산 [147] History – Kr. Acc. 0.67 Gen.inst. 2508-5905 2713-640X Kr
Korean Journal of Folk Studies 민속학연구 [148] History – Kr. Cand. 0.90 Ac.soc. 1229-8662 2713-9530 Kr
Journal of Museum Studies 박물관학보 [149] History – Kr. Acc. 0.56 Ac.soc. 1738-5741 . Kr
The Paek-San Hakpo 백산학보 [150] History – Kr. Acc. 0.69 Ac.soc. 1225-7109 . Kr
The Journal of Paekche Culture 백제문화 [151] History – Kr. Acc. 0.92 Uni. 1598-2963 . Kr
. 백제연구 [152] History – Kr. Acc. 0.45 Uni. 1226-6906 . Kr
. 백제학보 [153] History – Kr. Acc. 1.31 Ac.soc. 2005-9469 . Kr
The Bukak Journal of Historical Studies 북악사론 [154] History – Kr. Cand. 0.38 Ac.soc. 2713-7007 . Kr
Seoul and History 서울과 역사 [155] History – Kr. Acc. 1.15 Ac.soc. 2466-1465 . Kr
The Journal of Korean Field Archaeology 야외고고학 [156] History – Kr. Acc. 0.38 Ac.soc. 1975-8731 . Kr
The Korean History Education Review 역사교육 [157] History – Kr. Acc. 1.10 Ac.soc. 1225-0570 2671-5678 Kr
Critical Studies on Modern Korean History 역사문제연구 [158] History – Kr. Acc. 1.71 Gen.inst. 1226-4199 . Kr
The Journal of Korean Historical Folklife 역사민속학 [159] History – Kr. Acc. 1.04 Ac.soc. 1229-8921 . Kr
Korean Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health 의료사회사연구 [160] History – Kr. Acc. 0.88 Ac.soc. 2635-585X 2635-6333 Kr
Korean Journal of Medical History 의사학 [161] History – Kr. Acc. 1.34 Ac.soc. 1225-505X 2093-5609 Kr Scopus, A&HCI
The Choson Dynasty History Association 조선시대사학보 [162] History – Kr. Acc. 0.90 Ac.soc. 1226-5705 2765-5393 Kr
Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History 중국근현대사연구 [163] History – Kr. Acc. 1.67 Ac.soc. 1598-8287 2713-8607 Kr
Haklim 학림 [164] History – Kr. Acc. 1.03 Ac.soc. 0440-2324 2713-9824 Kr
Hanguk Kogo-Hakbo 한국고고학보 [165] History – Kr. Exc. 0.98 Ac.soc. 1015-373X 2714-058X Kr
The Journal of Korean Ancient History 한국고대사연구 [166] History – Kr. Acc. 1.24 Ac.soc. 1226-6213 2713-8461 Kr
Society for the Study of Early Korean History 한국고대사탐구 [167] History – Kr. Acc. 1.04 Ac.soc. 2092-5727 . Kr
Journal of Korean Palaeolithic Society 한국구석기학보 [168] History – Kr. Acc. 0.23 Ac.soc. 1229-8794 . Kr
Journal of Korean Modern And Contemporary History 한국근현대사연구 [169] History – Kr. Acc. 1.30 Ac.soc. 1227-8203 . Kr
Korean Journal of the Roof-tiles research 한국기와학보 [170] History – Kr. Cand. 0.68 Ac.soc. 2733-7499 . Kr
Journal of Korean Independence Movement Studies 한국독립운동사연구 [171] History – Kr. Acc. 1.54 Ac.soc. 1225-7028 . Kr
Korean Shamanism 한국무속학 [172] History – Kr. Acc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 1738-1614 . Kr
Korean Cultural Anthropology 한국문화인류학 [173] History – Kr. Acc. 0.98 Ac.soc. 1226-055X . Kr
Journal of Studies on Korean National Movement 한국민족운동사연구 [174] History – Kr. Acc. 1.59 Ac.soc. 1226-9980 . Kr
The Society for Study of Korean History of Thoughts 한국사상사학 [175] History – Kr. Acc. 1.04 Ac.soc. 1226-9441 . Kr
The Journal of Korean History 한국사연구 [176] History – Kr. Exc. 1.12 Ac.soc. 1226-296X . Kr
Hanguk Sanggosa Hakbo 한국상고사학보 [177] History – Kr. Acc. 0.75 Ac.soc. 1229-0084 . Kr
Journal of the Korean Neolithic Society 한국신석기연구 [178] History – Kr. Acc. NA Ac.soc. 2983-2551 2983-2551 Kr
Korean Silhak Review 한국실학연구 [179] History – Kr. Acc. 0.97 Ac.soc. 1598-0928 . Kr
Journal of the Korea Middle Ages Archaeological Society 한국중세고고학 [180] History – Kr. Acc. 0.79 Ac.soc. 2586-0828 . Kr
The Journal of Korean Medieval History 한국중세사연구 [181] History – Kr. Acc. 1.03 Ac.soc. 1225-8970 . Kr
Hanguk Cheongdonggi Hakbo 한국청동기학보 [182] History – Kr. Acc. 1.59 Ac.soc. 1976-8338 . Kr
. 한국학논총 [183] History – Kr. Acc. 0.83 Uni. 1225-9977 . Kr
The Korea-Japan Historical Review 한일관계사연구 [184] History – Kr. Acc. 1.57 Ac.soc. 1229-3687 . Kr
. 호남고고학보 [185] History – Kr. Acc. 1.30 Ac.soc. 1229-1994 2799-4686 Kr
Hoseo Kokohak 호서고고학 [186] History – Kr. Acc. 1.21 Ac.soc. 1738-7787 . Kr
Wonkwang Journal of Humanities 열린정신 인문학 연구 [187] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.53 Uni. 1738-7701 2671-7018 Kr
Yongbong Journal of Humanities 용봉인문논총 [188] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.52 Uni. 2713-8267 2713-8275 Kr
Journal of AI Humanities 인공지능인문학연구 [189] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.88 Uni. 2635-4691 2635-4691 Kr
Humanities and Art 인문과 예술 [190] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.62 Ac.soc. 2384-2067 . Kr
Journal of Humanities 인문과학 [191] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.53 Uni. 1598-8457 2508-4550 Kr
The Journal of the Humanities 인문과학 [192] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.52 Uni. 1229-6201 . Kr
. 인문과학연구 [193] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.53 Uni. 1738-088X . Kr
Journal of Humanities 인문과학연구 [194] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.22 Uni. 2093-2987 2671-5872 Kr
. 인문과학연구 [195] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.69 Uni. 2005-1263 2765-2645 Kr
The Journal of Humanities 인문과학연구논총 [196] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.52 Uni. 1225-2360 2733-4155 Kr
Journal of Humanities, Seoul National University 인문논총 [197] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.68 Uni. 1598-3021 2671-7921 Kr
. 인문논총 [198] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.57 Uni. 2005-6222 2713-7511 Kr
The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 인문사회과학연구 [199] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.88 Uni. 2093-8780 . Kr
Lingua Humanitatis 인문언어 [200] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.53 Ac.soc. 1598-2130 . En
. 인문연구 [201] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.69 Uni. 1598-2211 . Kr
Humanities Contents 인문콘텐츠 [202] Humanities, gen. Exc. 2.54 Ac.soc. 1975-4469 . Kr
. 인문학연구 [203] Humanities, gen. Acc. 1.13 Uni. 1598-9259 . Kr
The Journal of Humanities Studies 인문학연구 [204] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.72 Uni. 1229-9340 2799-4384 Kr
. 인문학연구 [205] Humanities, gen. Cand. NA Uni. 1229-0912 . Kr
The Journal of Humanities 인문학연구 [206] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.56 Uni. 1229-5485 2671-8847 Kr
Trans-Humanities 탈경계인문학 [207] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.55 Uni. 2092-6081 2383-9899 Kr
Humanitas Forum : A Journal of Liberal Education 후마니타스 포럼 [208] Humanities, gen. Cand. NA Uni. 2384-0196 . Kr
Intangible Heritage Studies 무형유산학 [209] Humanities, gen. Cand. 0.21 Ac.soc. 2508-3694 . Kr
Human Sciences 인문학술 [210] Humanities, gen. Cand. 0.24 Uni. 2635-800X . Kr
Study of Humanities 人文學硏究 [211] Humanities, gen. Acc. 0.70 Uni. 1738-0979 2671-9584 Kr
The Journal of Liberal Arts 교양학연구 [212] Humanities, gen. Cand. NA Uni. 2383-7578 2951-181X Kr
Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 인문사회과학연구 [213] Interdisciplinary Acc. 0.14 Uni. 1598-4230 2586-7601 Kr
Knowledge & Liberal arts 지식과 교양 [214] Interdisciplinary Cand. 0.17 Uni. 2671-5473 2671-7808 Kr
T&I Review T&I REVIEW [215] Interp./transl. Acc. 0.27 Uni. 2233-9221 2713-8720 Kr
The Journal of Translation Studies 번역학연구 [216] Interp./transl. Acc. 1.45 Ac.soc. 1229-795X . Kr
The Journal of Interpretation and Translation Education 통번역교육연구 [217] Interp./transl. Acc. 0.42 Ac.soc. 1738-1223 2671-972X Kr
Interpreting and Translation Studies 통번역학연구 [218] Interp./transl. Acc. 1.22 Uni. 1975-6321 2713-8372 Kr
Interpretation and Translation 통역과 번역 [219] Interp./transl. Acc. 1.19 Ac.soc. 1229-6074 . Kr
Lettere Italiane 이탈리아어문학 [220] Italian lang./lit. Cand. 0.19 Ac.soc. 1598-5598 2671-6968 Kr
. 音.樂.學 [221] Music Acc. 0.31 Ac.soc. 1229-5566 . Kr
Journal of National Gugak Center 국악원논문집 [222] Music Acc. 0.74 Gen.inst. 1225-7796 . Kr
Korean Journal of Popular Music 대중음악 [223] Music Acc. 0.83 Ac.soc. 2005-0607 2714-1128 Kr
. 동양음악(구 민족음악학) [224] Music Acc. 0.76 Uni. 1975-0218 2713-6809 Kr
The Journal of Future Music Education 미래음악교육연구 [225] Music Acc. 1.60 Ac.soc. 2508-4402 2671-8057 Kr
Journal of the Musicological Society of Korea 서양음악학 [226] Music Acc. 0.53 Ac.soc. 1598-9224 . Kr
Music and Culture 음악과 문화 [227] Music Acc. 0.56 Ac.soc. 1229-5930 . Kr
Music and Reality 음악과 현실 [228] Music Acc. 0.92 Ac.soc. 2765-5539 2765-5547 Kr
Research in Music Pedagogy 음악교수법연구 [229] Music Acc. 1.23 Ac.soc. 1738-5849 . Kr
Journal of Music Education Science 음악교육공학 [230] Music Acc. 1.58 Ac.soc. 1598-8252 2671-650X Kr
Korean Journal of Research in Music Education 음악교육연구 [231] Music Exc. 1.26 Ac.soc. 1229-4179 2713-3788 Kr
. 음악논단 [232] Music Acc. 0.48 Uni. 1738-1452 . Kr
Journal of Music and Theory 음악이론연구 [233] Music Acc. 0.40 Ac.soc. 1975-3225 . Kr
Music Theory Forum 음악이론포럼 [234] Music Acc. 0.50 Uni. 1598-6659 . Kr
journal of Ewha Music Research Institute 이화음악논집 [235] Music Acc. 0.50 Uni. 1229-7690 . Kr
Journal of Music and Human Behavior 인간행동과 음악연구 [236] Music Acc. 1.45 Ac.soc. 2288-2774 2671-5791 Kr
Journal of the Society for Korean Historico-Musicology 한국음악사학보 [237] Music Acc. 0.51 Ac.soc. 1226-3443 . Kr
Studies In Korean Music 한국음악연구 [238] Music Acc. 0.30 Ac.soc. 1975-4604 . Kr
Korean Journal of Music Therapy 한국음악치료학회지 [239] Music Acc. 1.39 Ac.soc. 1598-916X 2671-6070 Kr
Emille: The Journal of the Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society 한국전자음악협회 학술지: 에밀레 [240] Music Cand. NA Gen.inst. 2233-9302 2713-7724 En
Acta Via Serica Acta Via Serica [241] Other / misc. Cand. NA Uni. 2508-5824 2765-3102 En
Journal of Humanities Therapy Journal of Humanities Therapy [242] Other / misc. Acc. 0.03 Uni. 2233-7563 2765-2653 En
. 人文科學硏究 [243] Other / misc. Acc. 0.46 Uni. 2005-0933 . Kr
Wooden Documents and Inscriptions Studies 木簡과 文字 [244] Other / misc. Acc. 1.18 Ac.soc. 2005-4122 . Kr
Family and Community 가족과 커뮤니티 [245] Other / misc. Cand. 0.11 Uni. 2714-1187 . Kr
Emotion Studies 감성연구 [246] Other / misc. Acc. 0.61 Uni. 2093-7768 2714-108X Kr
. 건지인문학 [247] Other / misc. Cand. 0.32 Uni. 2092-7517 2671-843X Kr
The Humanities of Coexistence 공존의 인간학 [248] Other / misc. Cand. 0.58 Uni. 2636-1604 2714-0296 Kr
. 국학연구론총 [249] Other / misc. Acc. 0.40 Gen.inst. 2005-1999 . Kr
Kyujanggak 규장각 [250] Other / misc. Acc. 0.77 Uni. 1975-6283 2713-6752 Kr
Daedong Munhwa Yeon'gu 대동문화연구 [251] Other / misc. Acc. 0.63 Uni. 1225-3820 2714-0040 Kr
. 동방학 [252] Other / misc. Acc. 0.50 Uni. 1598-1452 . Kr
The Dong Bang Hak Chi 동방학지 [253] Other / misc. Acc. 1.19 Uni. 1226-6728 2951-391X Kr
Dongainmunhak 동아인문학 [254] Other / misc. Acc. 0.55 Ac.soc. 1598-6888 . Kr
. 동양고전연구 [255] Other / misc. Acc. 0.40 Ac.soc. 1226-7910 . Kr
The Journal of Localitology 로컬리티 인문학 [256] Other / misc. Acc. 0.56 Uni. 2005-9221 2733-4449 Kr
. 민족문화논총 [257] Other / misc. Acc. 0.59 Uni. 1229-8697 . Kr
Korean Cultural Studies 민족문화연구 [258] Other / misc. Acc. 0.78 Uni. 1229-7925 2672-0787 Kr
. 서강인문논총 [259] Other / misc. Acc. 0.50 Uni. 1226-8178 2713-7732 Kr
. 서울학연구 [260] Other / misc. Acc. 1.04 Uni. 1225-746x . Kr
Journal of Seokdang Academy 석당논총 [261] Other / misc. Acc. 0.70 Uni. 1738-6578 . Kr
. 순천향 인문과학논총 [262] Other / misc. Acc. 0.63 Uni. 1738-2173 2713-7325 Kr
Story & Image Telling 스토리앤이미지텔링 [263] Other / misc. Acc. 0.71 Uni. 2234-3431 . Kr
Citizen and Humanities 시민인문학 [264] Other / misc. Acc. 0.48 Uni. 2005-7164 . Kr
. 아시아문화연구 [265] Other / misc. Acc. 0.58 Uni. 1975-9150 . Kr
Altai Hakpo 알타이학보 [266] Other / misc. Acc. 0.29 Ac.soc. 1226-6582 2713-5209 Kr
. 에피스테메 [267] Other / misc. Acc. 0.02 Uni. 1976-9660 . En
The Yon Min Hak Chi 연민학지 [268] Other / misc. Acc. 0.50 Ac.soc. 2092-7428 2713-7384 Kr
. 영남학 [269] Other / misc. Acc. 0.85 Uni. 1738-7760 2713-8070 Kr
. 유럽사회문화 [270] Other / misc. Acc. 0.39 Uni. 2005-8055 . Kr
Journal of Yulgok-Studies 율곡학연구 [271] Other / misc. Acc. 0.73 Ac.soc. 1738-8236 . Kr
Cogito 코기토 [272] Other / misc. Acc. 0.68 Uni. 1975-6046 . Kr
. 탐라문화 [273] Other / misc. Acc. 1.20 Uni. 1226-5306 2713-9557 Kr
Tae-Dong Yearly Review of Classics 태동고전연구 [274] Other / misc. Acc. 0.62 Uni. 1225-9152 2713-6914 Kr
. 통일인문학 [275] Other / misc. Acc. 0.80 Uni. 2288-9841 . Kr
The Toegye Hak Nonchong 퇴계학논총 [276] Other / misc. Acc. 0.49 Ac.soc. 1738-3994 . Kr
Journal of Poeun Studies 포은학연구 [277] Other / misc. Acc. 0.35 Ac.soc. 1976-7048 . Kr
. 한국문화 [278] Other / misc. Acc. 1.26 Uni. 1226-8356 2671-8413 Kr
Philosophy·thought·culture 철학∙사상∙문화 [279] Philosophy Acc. 0.54 Uni. 1975-1621 2092-0873 Kr
. 仙道文化 [280] Philosophy Acc. 0.50 Uni. 1975-5813 . Kr
. 南冥學硏究 [281] Philosophy Acc. 0.45 Uni. 1226-8925 2713-7767 Kr
Journal of Japanese Thought 日本思想 [282] Philosophy Acc. 0.52 Ac.soc. 1229-9235 . Kr
Mihak -The Korean Journal of Aesthetics 美學(미학) [283] Philosophy Acc. 0.48 Ac.soc. 1225-0732 . Kr
The Catholic Philosophy 가톨릭철학 [284] Philosophy Acc. 0.29 Ac.soc. 1229-2915 . Kr
Korean Journal For The Philosophy of Science 과학철학 [285] Philosophy Acc. 0.76 Ac.soc. 1598-754X . Kr
Modern Philosophy 근대 철학 [286] Philosophy Acc. 0.17 Ac.soc. 1975-907x . Kr
Journal of Christian Philosophy 기독교철학 [287] Philosophy Cand. 0.14 Ac.soc. 2005-1298 . Kr
Korean Journal of Logic 논리연구 [288] Philosophy Acc. 0.47 Ac.soc. 1598-7493 . Kr
The Journal of Korean Nietzsche-Society 니체연구 [289] Philosophy Acc. 0.58 Ac.soc. 1598-9364 . Kr
Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 대동철학 [290] Philosophy Acc. 0.42 Ac.soc. 1229-0750 . Kr
East Asian Culture and Thought 동방문화와 사상 [291] Philosophy Acc. 0.18 Uni. 2508-4291 . Kr
THE KOREAN JOURNAL of EAST WEST MIND SCIENCE 동서정신과학 [292] Philosophy Acc. 0.29 Ac.soc. 1738-1207 . Kr
Studies in Philosophy East-West 동서철학연구 [293] Philosophy Acc. 0.60 Ac.soc. 1225-1968 2713-8828 Kr
THE JOURNAL of ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 동양철학 [294] Philosophy Acc. 0.35 Ac.soc. 1598-6780 . Kr
Journal of Eastern Philosophy 동양철학연구 [295] Philosophy Acc. 0.52 Ac.soc. 1229-5965 2713-9085 Kr
The Study of Culture & Art 문화와 예술연구 [296] Philosophy Acc. 0.24 Uni. 2288-4963 . Kr
Research On Bangjunghwan 방정환연구 [297] Philosophy Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2671-4051 . Kr
Pan-Korean Philosophy 범한철학 [298] Philosophy Acc. 0.56 Ac.soc. 1225-1410 2713-9344 Kr
Journal for the Study Buddhist Philosophy 불교철학 [299] Philosophy Acc. 0.43 Uni. 2586-3843 . Kr
Social Philosophy 사회와 철학 [300] Philosophy Acc. 0.40 Ac.soc. 1738-6519 . Kr
Studies on Life and Culture 생명연구 [301] Philosophy Acc. 1.09 Uni. 1976-846X . Kr
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics 생명윤리정책연구 [302] Philosophy Acc. 0.79 Uni. 1976-3719 2635-4063 Kr
Epoch And Philosophy -A Journal of Philosophical Thought In Korea- 시대와 철학 [303] Philosophy Acc. 0.60 Ac.soc. 1227-2809 . Kr
Yang-Ming Studies 양명학 [304] Philosophy Acc. 0.54 Ac.soc. 1229-5957 2713-8771 Kr
Journal of Yoga Studies 요가학연구 [305] Philosophy Acc. 0.20 Ac.soc. 2005-9213 . Kr
Ugyehagbo 우계학보 [306] Philosophy Cand. NA Gen.inst. 2713-7880 . Kr
Studies in Confucianism 유학연구 [307] Philosophy Acc. 0.76 Uni. 1229-5035 2713-878X Kr
The Korean Journal of Ethics 윤리학 [308] Philosophy Acc. 0.32 Ac.soc. 2234-8115 2733-9920 Kr
Philosophy of Medicine 의철학연구 [309] Philosophy Acc. 0.14 Ac.soc. 1975-5503 . Kr
Human Beings, Environment and Their Future 인간.환경.미래 [310] Philosophy Acc. 1.47 Uni. 2005-7180 2713-5942 Kr
Journal of Human Studies 인간연구 [311] Philosophy Acc. 0.67 Uni. 1229-6740 . Kr
Personalism Bioethics 인격주의 생명윤리 [312] Philosophy Acc. 0.35 Uni. 2234-1455 2713-9034 Kr
Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy 인도철학 [313] Philosophy Acc. 0.11 Ac.soc. 1226-3230 . Kr
Philosophia Medii Aevi 중세철학 [314] Philosophy Acc. 0.73 Ac.soc. 1598-9216 2733-9858 Kr
Cheolhak: Korean Journal of Philosophy 철학 [315] Philosophy Exc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 1225-1518 2734-0023 Kr
Sogang Journal of Philosophy 철학논집 [316] Philosophy Acc. 0.49 Uni. 1738-8104 2800-0439 Kr
Chulhak-Ronchong, Journal of The New Korean Philosophical Association 철학논총 [317] Philosophy Acc. 0.43 Ac.soc. 1226-9379 . Kr
Chul Hak Sa Sang - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 철학사상 [318] Philosophy Acc. 0.41 Uni. 1226-7007 2713-8755 Kr
Journal of The Society of philosophical studies 철학연구 [319] Philosophy Cand. 0.62 Ac.soc. 1229-022X . Kr
Philosophia , Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 철학연구 [320] Philosophy Acc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 1226-9727 2713-8763 Kr
Philosophical Studies 철학연구 [321] Philosophy Acc. 0.46 Uni. 1229-4470 . Kr
Philosophical Analysis 철학적 분석 [322] Philosophy Acc. 0.46 Ac.soc. 1598-9275 2733-8843 Kr
Philosophical Investigation 철학탐구 [323] Philosophy Acc. 0.58 Uni. 1598-7213 2671-7565 Kr
Kant Studien 칸트연구 [324] Philosophy Acc. 0.52 Ac.soc. 1598-9372 2734-0511 Kr
Toegye-Hak-Lon-Jib 퇴계학논집 [325] Philosophy Acc. 0.34 Ac.soc. 2005-3851 2636-0446 Kr
Korean Feminist Philosophy 한국여성철학 [326] Philosophy Acc. 1.35 Ac.soc. 1975-0013 2799-3469 Kr
The Journal Of Korean Philosophical History 한국철학논집 [327] Philosophy Acc. 0.63 Ac.soc. 1598-5024 2982-4907 Kr
Hegel-Studien (Hegel-Yeongu) 헤겔연구 [328] Philosophy Acc. 0.28 Ac.soc. 1598-9410 . Kr
Researches in Contemporary European Philosophy 현대유럽철학연구 [329] Philosophy Acc. 0.55 Ac.soc. 2093-4440 . Kr
. 현상학과 현대철학 [330] Philosophy Acc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 1598-7434 . Kr
Environmental Philosophy 환경철학 [331] Philosophy Acc. 1.05 Ac.soc. 1738-8988 . Kr
AURA AURA [332] Photography Acc. 0.04 Ac.soc. 1228-503X . Kr
The Society of Modern Photography & Video 현대사진영상학회 논문집 [333] Photography Acc. 0.24 Ac.soc. 1229-3512 . Kr
International Journal of Diaspora & Cultural Criticism International Journal of Diaspora & Cultural Criticism [334] Reg./culture Acc. 0.05 Uni. 2005-3037 2465-8804 En
Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context [335] Reg./culture Acc. 0.26 Ac.soc. 2288-7822 2288-1204 En Scopus
Journal of the Island Culture 도서문화 [336] Reg./culture Acc. 0.79 Uni. 1598-4893 . Kr
The Ilbon-Hak (Journal of Japanology) 日本學(일본학) [337] Reg./culture Acc. 0.58 Uni. 1598-1134 2713-7309 Kr
Journal of International Culture1-1 국제문화연구 [338] Reg./culture Acc. 0.25 Uni. 2005-3444 . Kr
Studies in Urban Humanities 도시인문학연구 [339] Reg./culture Acc. 0.81 Uni. 2005-873X . Kr
Journal of East-West Humanities 동서인문 [340] Reg./culture Acc. 1.01 Uni. 2288-9612 2713-8887 Kr
Humanities Studies East and West 동서인문학 [341] Reg./culture Acc. 0.59 Uni. 2713-6493 2671-9258 Kr
Dong Asia Kodaehak (The East Asian Ancient Studies) 동아시아고대학 [342] Reg./culture Acc. 0.64 Ac.soc. 1229-8298 . Kr
The Journal of Foreign Studies 외국학연구 [343] Reg./culture Acc. 0.21 Uni. 2288-4599 . Kr
The Journal of Eurasian Culture Studies 유라시아문화 [344] Reg./culture Cand. 0.62 Ac.soc. 2799-4147 2799-4155 Kr
. Acta Koreana [345] Reg./culture Acc. 0.22 Uni. 1520-7412 2733-5348 En Scopus, A&HCI
Korean Studies 국학연구 [346] Reg./culture Acc. 0.56 Ac.soc. 1598-8082 . Kr
Journal of Kijeon Cultural Studies 기전문화연구 [347] Reg./culture Acc. 0.52 Uni. 2092-7401 2586-3665 Kr
Journal of East Aisan Cultures 동아시아문화연구 [348] Reg./culture Acc. 0.58 Uni. 2383-6180 . Kr
Youngsan Journal of East Asian Cultural Studies 동양문화연구 [349] Reg./culture Acc. 0.42 Uni. 1976-1872 . Kr
The Oriental Studies 동양학 [350] Reg./culture Acc. 0.83 Uni. 1229-3199 . Kr
Journal of Ginseng Culture 인삼문화 [351] Reg./culture Cand. NA Ac.soc. 2671-5503 . Kr
The Journal of Incheon Studies 인천학연구 [352] Reg./culture Acc. 0.54 Uni. 1738-0936 2713-8860 Kr
Studies of Koreans Abroad 재외한인연구 [353] Reg./culture Cand. 0.79 Ac.soc. 1226-3494 . Kr
The Journal of Tea Culture & Industry Studies 차문화산업학 [354] Reg./culture Acc. 0.20 Ac.soc. 1975-3268 . Kr
The Korean Cultural Studies 한국문화연구 [355] Reg./culture Acc. 0.83 Uni. 1598-4176 2733-8452 Kr
Journal of Koreanology 한국민족문화 [356] Reg./culture Acc. 0.66 Uni. 1226-7562 2733-4422 Kr
The Journal of Korean Seowon Studies 한국서원학보 [357] Reg./culture Acc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 2234-8603 . Kr
Korean Studies 한국연구 [358] Reg./culture Cand. 0.47 Gen.inst. 2671-9827 . Kr
Korean Studies Quarterly 한국학 [359] Reg./culture Acc. 0.90 Uni. 2671-8197 2733-936X Kr
. 한국학논집 [360] Reg./culture Acc. 0.58 Uni. 1738-8902 2671-7492 Kr
. 한국학연구 [361] Reg./culture Acc. 1.02 Uni. 1225-469X 2734-035X Kr
The Journal of Korean Studies 한국학연구 [362] Reg./culture Acc. 0.57 Uni. 1225-195X 2713-5640 Kr
Hangdo Busan 항도부산 [363] Reg./culture Acc. 1.05 Ac.soc. 2093-1875 2713-8925 Kr
Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities 해항도시문화교섭학 [364] Reg./culture Acc. 0.63 Uni. 2092-8130 2713-9263 Kr
The Journal of Contemporary Psychoanalysis 현대정신분석 [365] Reg./culture Acc. 0.83 Ac.soc. 1229-666X . Kr
The Journal of Honam Studies 호남학 [366] Reg./culture Acc. 0.51 Uni. 2671-8944 . Kr
Journal of Korean Hyo Studies 효학연구 [367] Reg./culture Acc. 0.94 Ac.soc. 1738-253X . Kr
Theology and Society 신학과 사회 [368] Religious studies Acc. 0.48 Ac.soc. 1229-5213 . Kr
Faith & Scholarship 신앙과 학문 [369] Religious studies Acc. 0.50 Ac.soc. 1226-9425 2713-9123 Kr
Theology and Other Disciplines 신학과 학문 [370] Religious studies Acc. 0.25 Uni. 2672-0078 2733-4473 Kr
Peace and Religions 평화와 종교 [371] Religious studies Acc. 0.79 Ac.soc. 2508-3511 . Kr
Canon & Culture (CC) 캐논앤컬처 [372] Religious studies Acc. 0.27 Gen.inst. 1976-0590 . Kr
Journal of Korean Religions Journal of Korean Religions [373] Religious studies Acc. 0.24 Uni. 2093-7288 2093-7288 En Scopus, A&HCI
Religions of Korea 韓國宗敎 [374] Religious studies Acc. 0.43 Uni. 1738-3617 . Kr
The Journal of Christianity and National Reunification 기독교와 통일 [375] Religious studies Acc. 0.89 Ac.soc. 1976-0736 . Kr
Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences 대순사상논총 [376] Religious studies Acc. 0.30 Uni. 1598-3439 2671-6313 Kr
Journal of The Studies of Taoism and Culture 도교문화연구 [377] Religious studies Acc. 0.42 Ac.soc. 1598-7906 2671-8669 Kr
Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 보조사상 [378] Religious studies Acc. 0.27 Ac.soc. 1229-7968 . Kr
Journal of the Korean Academy of New Religions 신종교연구 [379] Religious studies Acc. 0.67 Ac.soc. 1738-7035 2734-018X Kr
Won-Buddhist Thought & Religious Culture 원불교사상과 종교문화 [380] Religious studies Acc. 0.54 Uni. 1738-1975 . Kr
Korean Journal of Religious Education 종교교육학연구 [381] Religious studies Acc. 0.36 Ac.soc. 1229-6627 2672-1767 Kr
The Critical Review of Religion and Culture 종교문화비평 [382] Religious studies Acc. 1.10 Ac.soc. 1739-0540 . Kr
Studies in Religion(The Journal of the Korean Association for the History of Religions) 종교연구 [383] Religious studies Acc. 0.91 Ac.soc. 1226-3516 . Kr
Religion and Culture 종교와 문화 [384] Religious studies Acc. 0.29 Uni. 1976-7900 . Kr
The Journal of the Korean Association for Buddhist Studies 한국불교학 [385] Religious studies Acc. 0.33 Ac.soc. 1225-0945 . Kr
Annals of Korean Association of the Islamic Studies 한국이슬람학회논총 [386] Religious studies Acc. 0.58 Ac.soc. 1226-2811 . Kr
The Journal of Korean Drama And Theatre 한국극예술연구 [387] Theater Acc. 0.68 Ac.soc. 1225-7729 2713-8453 Kr
. 교육연극학 [388] Theater Acc. 1.06 Ac.soc. 2234-6848 2733-4899 Kr
The Journal of Drama 드라마 연구 [389] Theater Acc. 0.34 Ac.soc. 1738-9267 . Kr
Journal of Korean Theatre Education 연극교육연구 [390] Theater Acc. 0.53 Ac.soc. 1738-155X . Kr
Journal of Drama Art Therapy 연극예술치료연구 [391] Theater Acc. 0.39 Ac.soc. 2234-6449 2671-9908 Kr
Journal of korean theatre studies association 한국연극학 . Theater Acc. 0.55 Ac.soc. 1229-2877 . Kr
Journal of Acting & Arts 연기예술연구 [392] Theater Acc. 0.66 Ac.soc. 2093-4289 2586-5927 Kr

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  • KCI Languages for fields related to languages, linguistics, and language education, including English applied linguistics
  • SSCI & Scopus journals for applied linguistics and EFL
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